Bob Forrest’s plans to build a seven story condo on Main Street South, demolishing historic commercial properties in the process, could be stopped dead in its tracks if the Town refuses to make land available for an underground car park which is an integral part of the development.
The Town’s chief planner, Richard Nethery, submitted a report to yesterday’s Committee of the Whole (25 November) correcting an earlier report that suggested the developer, Bob Forrest, would have to secure an easement to allow his proposed underground garage to extend onto Town owned property.
We are now told
The applicant is proposing that the underground parking arrangement be by way of stratified title and hence would be a conveyance, not an easement.
The report was noted. No questions. No comment. What does it all mean?
The councillors just receive the report.
I suppose this is all part of the Mayor’s “due process” that he goes on about all the time.
Personally, I don’t want the Town to allow any part of Forrest’s proposed development to encroach on to Town owned land. Not if the consequence will be the destruction of irreplaceable panoramas and vistas and the blighting of our historic downtown.
Ward 5 councillor, Joe Sponga, asks about the proposed public meeting to discuss the Forrest development. Why is it needed?
Sponga says we know everyone is against the development because of its mass and scale. Heritage Newmarket doesn’t like it and that is not going to change.
Richard Nethery says a public meeting gives agencies and others an opportunity to make considered comments on what is being proposed.
The Mayor says this is due process. Property owners have rights.
I say that is a load of old cobblers!
The condo development is in complete discordance with the Downtown Heritage Conservation By Law just adopted by the Town.
Why is it so difficult for councillors to say so?
It would be stating the obvious.
Elsewhere... Newmarket Public Library is running an IdeaMarket this evening on Development vs Heritage. Is Newmarket Growing Too Fast? It is from 7pm - 9pm in the Library's multi-purpose room