So much for Doug Ford masquerading as a “successful” businessman.
If we are to believe the astonishing lawsuit filed by Rob Ford’s widow, Renata, the Deco Labels business has been run into the ground.
Year after year, losses mount and Doug carries on regardless, blowing cash as if the business will take care of itself. Ford has been plundering the company for years.
The lawsuit filed at the Superior Court shows the financial statements of Deco Toronto recording losses of $396,376 in 2010; $1,111,485 in 2011; $423,961 in 2012; $497,996 in 2013; $2,164,557 in 2016 and $1,498,598 in 2017.
Earlier today, the Star's Rob Ferguson tweets:
"On Renata Ford's lawsuit allegations @FordNation won't make Deco financial statements or his salary public."
For the man who tells us he believes in transparency and integrity and accountability, what's he got to hide?
Probably quite a lot.
Doug Ford: the unsuccessful businessman living on borrowed time
Many PC leaning people have turned a blind eye to the well-documented darker side of the Ford family believing Doug Ford, for all his faults, could at least plausibly claim to be a successful businessman. That narrative is now shot to pieces.
The Globe and Mail’s Adam Radwanski writes of Doug Ford:
“…part of his appeal has been that he’s a successful businessman. Not knowing the ins and outs of the provincial bureaucracy, or how a bill becomes a law, was cast as less a bug than a feature of someone who would be able to bring his no-nonsense, back-to-basics private-sector expertise – the sort he’d proven in building up Deco Labels, the family business – to Queen’s Park.”
Am I surprised by the latest turn of events?
Don’t be ridiculous! Of course not.
Ford Family Skeletons
It was only a matter of time before the skeletons came clattering out of the Ford closet.
The PCs are now flirting with criminality across the piece. Current and former PC candidates are embroiled in lawsuits or under police investigation.
It beggars belief Ontario’s voters – with their eyes wide open – would entrust the Government of the Province to such a motley collection of crooks and shady characters.
“Anyone but Ford” must be the guiding principle.
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Here is a useful aide-memoire from the Toronto Star’s Martin Reg Cohn reminding us where the Parties stand on the big issues.