
Yesterday I wander into Christine Elliott’s HQ in the Nature’s Emporium Plaza and ask when the candidates’ debate will be. 

I am told it’s coming up in the morning of 24 May 2018 at the Cardinal Golf Club – outside the riding!  

Surely some mistake?

It turns out there are two events that bring all the candidates from the three main parties together: the first organised by the Aurora Chamber of Commerce on 16 May and the second, organised by the Newmarket Chamber of Commerce and focussed on business competitiveness, on 24 May. 

But so far there isn’t a debate in the riding that’s free and covers the entire sweep of Provincial responsibilities.  This is shameful.

If I want to hear the candidates talk about the Ontario Chamber of Commerce platform “Vote Prosperity” I have to first register with the Chambers and fork out $40 for the Aurora event or $35 for the Newmarket breakfast at the Cardinal Golf Club.

Whoaaa! Not good enough.

Surely, someone somewhere is planning to organise a debate that the great unwashed can go along to for free?

What about the Era Newspaper taking the initiative? Or the Auroran?

Chris Ballard tells me: 

I am not aware of a public debate. Would love to have one.

I am sure he is speaking for all the candidates. So let's have our local newspapers organise one.

The much-anticipated Party leaders debate – the first of three - is on CTV this evening starting at 6pm.

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