
Newmarket-Aurora’s Liberal MP, Tony Van Bynen, has called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to step down as Prime Minister immediately. 

The revelation in this morning’s Toronto Star was, for me, truly astonishing. This bold action is totally out of character for Newmarket's former Mayor who never makes any consequential decision without (in his own words) “scoping” things out first.

I have been observing Van Bynen for years and I’ve found him to be timidly middle-of-the-road on virtually every issue, contentedly reading scripts written by others. I recall the late (and much missed) Dave Kerwin telling Van Bynen to his face that he was not a leader. So true. 

Leading from the front?

Van Bynen rarely tries to move and shape public opinion on controversial issues. In that respect his statement on Gaza was unusual and since then he has said little on the subject, retreating like a hermit crab back into the safety of his shell.

In 2016 Van Bynen came up with this little gem:

“Leadership is as much about followership.”

In a blog from five years ago I wrote:

“Tony Van Bynen has many qualities but leading from the front is not one of them. He is essentially an administrator, cautious and secretive as befits an old banker.”

The Van Bynen I know doesn’t put his head above the parapet unless others have done so before him and have signalled the coast is clear.

So Van Bynen’s declaration tells me Trudeau’s days are truly numbered. Survival is now impossible. (Photo right: Trudeau campaigning for Van Bynen in Newmarket's Main Street in October 2019)


Of course, we don’t yet know Van Bynen’s motivation for speaking out. He joined the Liberal Party in his late sixties solely to become a Liberal MP. No other candidates threw their hats into the ring and he was acclaimed. Earlier this year he announced his retirement and is, I suppose, trying to maximise the chances of his successor, Jennifer McLaghlan.

He may have something further to say on Trudeau's predicament.

But, then again, maybe not.

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From this morning's Toronto Star:










The Star's survey of Liberal MPs: 18 say Trudeau should stay. 22 said he should go. 10 sat on the fence and 102 made no comment.

 Update on Sunday 22 December 2024: This is from Van Bynen’s ad in Sunday’s Newmarket Today – the day after the Star reported he called on Trudeau to step down as Prime Minister immediately:

“Tony ran to be your Member of Parliament because he understands that we need to protect a healthy environment, invest in healthcare, and offer real help to families in our community. He is committed to working with Justin Trudeau to continue to grow our middle class, and he will never stop working for the people of Newmarket—Aurora.”

Time for an update.

Update on 24 December 2024: From Newmarket Today: Newmarket-Aurora MP calls on the Prime Minister to Resign. Van Bynen is quoted as saying:

"I believe the prime minister has had ample opportunity to demonstrate a renewed leadership and to address the concerns of many members of his caucus. Unfortunately, I do not feel that he has delivered on the discussions we had through the summer and the fall and so the time has arrived for him to resign - to provide opportunity for new leadership and allow a renewal of our party to take place."

Update on 30 December 2024: From the Globe and Mail: Atlantic Liberal caucus asks Trudeau to resign and allow party to replace him.