
We should be grateful to the Aurora and Newmarket Chambers of Commerce for organising Federal Election debates.  

The Prime Minister called the election in the shortest time allowed by law and everyone has been scrambling to catch up.

The Newmarket debate is, unfortunately, after advance voting has closed.

It is expected that at least one quarter of voters will have voted by 13 September 2021. This is one of the perils of calling a snap election on an truncated timetable.

The Aurora Chamber debate is this Wednesday, 8 September 2021 and will run from 4pm – 6pm.

The Newmarket debate is on Thursday 16 September 2021 from 12 noon – 1pm.

Both events are virtual.

Registration Free

Registration is free. You are asked to fill in the name of the registering organisation. Typing in “private individual” will do if that is what you are.

Once you have registered you will be sent a link.

You can register for the Aurora debate here.

And for the Newmarket debate here.

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